A supernatural thriller that follows Russel Bayne who quickly finds himself in the middle of a supernatural war between vampires, werewolves, and human hunters after being bitten by a werewolf. To make matters worse, it seems a civil war has erupted among the vampires, with a clan breaking from the others in a quest to return a vampire goddess back to power.
as Russel Bayne
as Alex Layton
as Lilith
as Von Griem
as Jacob Van Helsing
as Konstantinos
as Bryce
as Zafira
as Xandrea
as Vlad
as Sadie
as The Old One
as Jimmy 'The Kid'
as Maximillian
as Security Guard #2
as Detective Ladd
as Parking Attendant
as Lady Bathorly
as Security Guard #1
as Orlock
as Ravencroft
as Body Double
as Dracula
as Townsperson
as Dr. James Avery
as Man #2
as Vampire Henchman
as Emily
as Sarah
as Girl on Phone
as Vampire
as Infomercial Housewife
as Marty
as Russ' Associate
as Infomercial Voice (voice)
as Man #1
as Vapirella
as Felix
as Olo
as Husband
as Epoch
as Vampiress
as Townsperson
as Vampire
as Pedestrian