Set during the insurgency of 1863, the story focuses on a tragic romance between a poor gentlewoman and a rebel noble. After a bloody battle a unit of insurgents have been wiped out and only one survived, but badly wounded. He eventually finds shelter and care from a landsteward's daughter, hiding in a burned-out manor with an old servant.
as Salomea Brynicka
as Józef Odrowąż
as Szczepan
as księżna Odrowążowa
as Doktor Kulewski
as Major kozacki
as Sołtys
as Kapitan Wiesnicyn
as Hubert Olbromski
as Powstaniec
as Kruk
as Kobieta z wodą
as Ryfka
as Kozak
as Powstaniec
as Kozak
as Kurier
as Żona kramarza