"Miss Wet T-Shirt" is a humorous and thought-provoking story of a widowed man in his fifties who rebels against the degradation of the world around him, full of corruption and moral ambiguity. Władysław did not always act honestly in life, so his wife left him. Soon she was gone forever and only after her death did he understand his mistake. He tries to redeem guilt, adhering to the principle that no one can escape from responsibility for committed sins, for existence in the world of evil. The hero heads a group of so-called defenders of morals, actively participates in combating the progressive demoralization of society.
as Władysław
as Ella
as Pani Wiktoria, sąsiadka Władysława
as Szef Władysława
as Członek rady parafialnej
as Aresztant
as Magda, córka Władysława
as Pan Jerzy, znajomy Władysława z cmentarza
as Kioskarka Daniela
as Aresztant
as Wnuczek Władysława
as Mężczyzna w kiosku Danieli
as Ekspedientka w sex-shopie
as Wnuczek Władysława
as Adam, mąż Magdy
as Ksiądz
as Policjant
as Oprych w areszcie
as Wojtek, członek rady parafialnej
as Ochroniarz w sex-shopie (niewymieniony w czołówce)
as Sprawca stłuczki (niewymieniony w czołówce)