One year after their incredible adventures in the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Peter, Edmund, Lucy and Susan Pevensie return to Narnia to aid a young prince whose life has been threatened by the evil King Miraz. Now, with the help of a colorful cast of new characters, including Trufflehunter the badger and Nikabrik the dwarf, the Pevensie clan embarks on an incredible quest to ensure that Narnia is returned to its rightful heir.
as Peter Pevensie
as Susan Pevensie
as Edmund Pevensie
as Lucy Pevensie
as Prince Caspian
as Aslan (voice)
as King Miraz
as Trumpkin
as Nikabrik
as Doktor Cornelius
as Lord Glozell
as Glenstorm
as Lord Sopespian
as Queen Prunaprismia
as Lord Scythley
as Lord Donnon
as Lord Gregoire
as Lord Montoya
as Telmarine Crier
as Geeky Boy
as Hag
as Asterius
as Faun
as Telmarine Soldier in Boat
as Telmarine Soldier in Boat
as Midwife 1
as Midwife 2
as Midwife 3
as Midwife 4
as Midwife 5
as Boy 1
as Boy 2
as Glenstorm's Wife
as Glenstorm Son 1
as Glenstorm Son 2
as Glenstorm Son 3
as Lightning Bolt Centaur
as Wimbleweather
as Tyrus
as Tyrus
as British Homeguard 1
as British Homeguard 2
as Skeptical Telmarine
as Telmarine Soldier Killed by Reepicheep
as Reepicheep
as Trüffeljäger
as White Witch
as Bulgy Bear (voice)
as School Girl (uncredited)
as Lucy