Drama inspired by the life of Walter Tull who, after years in an orphanage, went on to become a professional footballer and then the first black commissioned officer to lead British troops during WW1. The action concerns Tull's turbulent passage from ordinary soldier to extraordinary officer at officer training camp, where he had to face his own demons as well as fight the prejudice that surrounded him
as Walter Tull
as Oswald Hennessey
as Daniel Tull
as Young Soldier
as Edward Tull
as Rev. Dr. Stevenson
as Sgt Fuller
as Capt. Coombes
as Pte William Cooper
as Pte. Sebastian Wills
as Pte. Sebastian Willis
as Pte. Christopher Hummins
as Lt. Col. Baxter
as Connie MacPherson
as Joanne McSween
as Football Team Manager
as Young Edward (as Chris Young)