The film starts in a street in Fort Kochi where Vasco da Gama, the son of a wrestler named Michael, lives. Vasco and his gang of five — Chandrappan, Susheelan, Sainu, Basheer and cousin Tomichchan are small-time goondas, involved in petty offences and as the movie progresses, these characters turn out to be more endearing than bad.
as Vasco da Gama
as Latha
as C. I. Nateshan
as Paddakam Basheer
as Mullan Chandrappan
as Tomichan
as Sainu
as Michael Ashan
as Paambu Chacko
as Advocate Menon
as Satheeshan
as Mama Suni
as Wife of menon
as Tomichan's Sister
as Tomichan's mother
as Vasco da Gama's sister
as Herself
as Item number
as A police officer
as CI Mohandas
as Old man at the crowd
as Susheelan