The Haunted World of El Superbeasto is an animated comedy that also combines elements of a horror and thriller film. It is based upon the comic book series created by Rob Zombie that follows the character of El Superbeasto and his sexy sidekick sister, Suzi-X, voiced by Sheri Moon, as they confront an evil villain by the name of Dr. Satan.
as El Superbeasto (voice)
as Erik the Newscaster (voice)
as Luke St. Luke (voice)
as Dame Grace Appleton / Liza / Babs / Dolly / Joan / Gloria / Scripty / Helga Strudel (voice)
as Trixie (voice)
as Lefty / Kate / Courtney / Smelga Strudel / Betty Sue Lou (voice)
as Amber (voice)
as Uncle Carl (voice)
as Gerard the Exterminator (voice)
as Michael / Commercial Voice / Bobby Hyde / Commandant Hess / Assistant Cameraman / El Gato / Grossburger / Creature Preacher (voice)
as Cigarette Girl / Bride Fronkenstein / Female Patron / Stripper in Hall / Telephone Victim / Old Woman (voice)
as Mr. Fly (voice)
as Suzi X (voice)
as Murray (voice)
as Rover / Otto / Old Man / Herbie (voice)
as Nazi Zombie (voice)
as Dr. Satan (voice)
as Lenny (voice)
as Velvet Von Black (voice)
as Burt the Spurt (voice)
as Nerdy Patron (voice)
as Rico (voice)
as Bennie Redriguez (voice)
as Varla (voice)
as Otis Driftwood (voice)
as Screaming Patron (voice)
as Captain Spaulding (voice)
as Krongarr / Mooney McMoon / Albino Singer (voice)
as Santa Baby (voice)
as Morris Green (voice)
as Walla Voodoo (voice)
as Walla Voodoo (voice)
as Walla Voodoo (voice)
as Walla Voodoo (voice)