Nora Helmer lives a quiet life with her husband, Torvald, in a small Norwegian town. While he works diligently at a bank, she looks after their children. But Torvald doesn't know that several years ago, when he was very ill and she was desperate for money, Nora forged a loan document and has been secretly working to pay the money back ever since. The arrival of her friend Kristine prompts Nora to re-evaluate her life and confront Torvald.
as Nora Helmer
as Nils Krogstad
as Dr. Rank
as Kristine Linde
as Torvald Helmer
as Olssen
as Anne-Marie
as Helmer's Maid
as Krogstad's Daughter
as Bob
as Emmy
as Krogstad's Son
as Ivar
as Dr. Rank's Maid