During the raging war between the Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans, the swordsman Mohei (whose family has been completely decimated) is recruited by Toyotomi to overcome the seat of power, Osaka Castle. Mohei's daredevil skills will be put to severe tests.
as Mohei
as Ai
as Senhime
as Kobue
as Yodogami
as Chomonshu Kimura
as Teikabo Tsutsumi
as Hayatonosho 'Hayato' Susukida
as Katagiri
as Hyogo
as Sadamasa Ishikawa
as Saizo Muin
as Nobuo
as Michiiku Itamiya
as Danuemon Hanawa
as Harunaga Ono
as Katsuyasu Sakakibara
as Hideyori Toyotomi
as Kai Hayami
as Gidayu Fujimoto
as Jinbei the equipment-shop owner
as Kyoku of Yae
as Ono woman
as Interpreter
as Kumoi
as Tosho Horita
as Rice-Shop Owner
as Itamiya manager
as Shuma Ono
as Chusho Nanjo