The film is set in the Tricity in 2003, ten years after the end of communism in Poland. The plot, apparently based on the real-life experiences of Kraków businessmen Lech Jerzorny and Paweł Rey, is about three young, talented businessmen who open a high-tech factory. This comes to the attention of the local state ‘mafia’, the local Prosecutor, played by Janusz Gajos, and tax office boss, played by Kasimierz Kaczor, who are both jealous and would like to make money for themselves. We are in Poland, so success must be punished.
as prokurator Andrzej Kostrzewa
as Mirosław Kamiński
as prokurator Kamil Słodowski
as Piotr Maj / Ryszard Maj, ojciec Piotra w roku 1968
as Marek Stawski
as Dorota Maj
as Monika Stawska
as Joanna Rybarczyk
as Grzegorz Rybarczyk
as Maria Kostrzewa
as reporter Robert Warzecha
as Emilia, córka Kostrzewy
as Bjorn Gustaffsen, wspólnik właścicieli "Nawaru"
as Tomasz Chwedczuk
as redaktor naczelny Echo Tv
as mecenas Wanda Budwiłł-Sarnecka
as komendant policji
as minister
as sekretarz komitetu uczelnianego partii w roku 1968
as Kasia, córka Joanny i Grzegorza Rybarczyków
as sekretarka dziekana w roku 1968
as Basia, sekretarka Kostrzewy
as funkcjonariusz CBŚ