Nothing for Mahala is a comedic film that follows Ace (Thapelo Mokoena) into his deep and unpleasant hole of debt and financial woes. Ace who likes to play the part of the high flier is forced to get money from illegal loan sharks, which eventually lands him into some legal trouble. The result is Ace doing community service at an old age home, where much is learnt about finances, life and what really holds value.
as Hendrik Botha
as Axe Gumede
as Reneilwe Motene
as Mike Harris
as Pule
as Dog
as Diski
as Martha
as Violet
as Cornelius
as Mama Keke (as Frances Ndlazilwana)
as Dina
as Flora
as Axe's Lawyer
as Gogo
as Foreman
as Land Surveyor
as Gloria
as Cedric
as Student
as Spiros
as Hendrik's daughter
as Louise Gangle
as TV Presenter
as Nurse Taz
as Donald
as MC
as Magistrate
as Godfrey Molefe