“Half Baked” meets “Superbad” in this hilarious comedy following two young losers whose lives are unexpectedly turned upside down when they find some marijuana that has aphrodisiacal side effects. After deciding to use the wacky weed to their advantage, the guys meet an array of pot-loving beauties.
as Josh 'Spanky' Green
as Mert
as Princess
as Strawberry
as Mr. Clink
as Pinky
as Little Joe Joe
as Ellen Green
as Nancy
as Leah
as Darlington
as Bikini Jane
as Office Bendover
as Buster
as Aunt Sue
as Clarise
as Priest
as Linda
as Julie
as Mrs. Green
as Mr. Green
as Daisey
as Cindy
as June
as Trish
as Beth
as Partygoer