Inspired by the true story of indomitable Kuki Gallmann, the film tells of a beautiful and inquisitive woman who had the courage to escape from her comfortable yet monotonous life in Italy to start anew in the African wilderness with her son, Emanuele, and her new husband, Paolo. Gallmann faces great danger there but eventually becomes a celebrated conservationist.
as Kuki Gallmann
as Paolo Gallmann
as 7-Year-Old Emanuele
as Declan Fielding
as Franca
as Simon
as Vincenzo
as Duncan Maitland
as 17-Year-Old Emanuele
as Wanjiku
as Luka
as Mirimuk
as Young Mapengo
as Mapengo - Early Teens
as Esther Maitland
as Mike Donovan
as Karen Donovan
as Lady Diana Delemere
as Sven
as Old Pokot Chief
as Pembroke Headmaster