Inspired by the real-life story of a bus hijacking in Northern Greece, HOSTAGE explores the sensitive issue of Greek-Albanian relations through a young Albanian who takes over an intercity bus. Upon hijacking the bus, he takes the seven passengers hostage and demands a ransom of half and million euro, and safe passage to his homeland of Albania. Surrounded by police, the bus trundles towards the Albanian border and the tension mounts until the final harrowing conclusion.
as Elion Senja
as Iliana
as Grigoris
as Police Commander
as Giannis
as Angeliki
as Kelly
as Orfeas
as Jack
as Francesca
as Old Lady
as Biris
as Martha
as Kaiti
as Consul
as Albanian Officer
as Albanian Officer
as Speaker (voice)
as Commander's Assistant
as Eri (voice)
as Iliana's Mother (voice)
as Police Interrogator
as Reporter #2
as Reporter #1
as Iliana's Husband
as Elion's Father-in-Law
as Policeman
as Government Representative
as Greek Reporter
as Man in Bus