James Brown III, also known as Secret Agent 00 Soul, is an elite international operative who finally tells off the government and fulfills his longtime dream of opening a detective agency in his hold neighborhood. His once plush workspace is no a ramshackle hole-in-the-wall above a chicken and ribs joint, and instead of being surrounded by glamourous female agents, the is being shaken down by his son Junior, a 400-pound ne'er-do-well who wouldn't know hard work if it hit him in the face. Nonetheless, 00 Soul is able to transform an unlikely bunch of misfits into the wackiest group of oddball detectives ever to hit the 'hood.
as Secret Agent Zero
as Alex Westmore
as James Brown IV
as Owner of Bertha's Cafe
as Jerry
as Ben Douglas
as Alexander Marco
as Chief Rain Cloud
as Tall Man
as Mr. Powers
as Mrs. Johnson
as French Robber
as Robber
as Limousine Driver
as Secretary
as Waitress
as Blonde
as Bar Owner
as Bar Patron
as Bar Patron
as Drug Dealer #1
as Drug Dealer #2
as Haunted House Builder
as Haunted House Creature
as Lead Mummy
as Lead Henchman
as Man in Bathroom
as (uncredited)