Japan in the 1940s. A high school boy went into a magic encounter with Ozuka Hana, a geisha (pub-girl) when he traveled through Amagi Pass. A mysterious murder took place afterwards, an Ozuka was held responsible. 40 years later, the boy, who became a printing shop owner, was visited by a retired policeman who came from Amagi Pass. The truth then started to reveal itself.
as Matsunojo Tajima, the cop
as Hana Otsuka, prostitute
as Kenzo Onodera
as Kenzo Onodera
as Kenzo's mother
as Carpenter
as Kenzo's uncle
as Ryosaku Tsuchiya
as Ryosaku's wife
as Sweet shop owner
as Tea house's old woman
as Police in chief
as Police
as Police
as Driver
as Office worker
as Police
as Doctor