The story of Maxime, a 33-year-old musician, who has come to find refuge in his father’s home in the town of Tonnerre. There he will have the joy and the bad luck of meeting Mélodie, a 21-year-old girl trapped by her love for her childhood sweetheart. One and the other will not experience the same story at the same time, which will trigger a series of incidents.
as Maxime
as Mélodie
as Le Père
as Ivan
as La Journaliste
as Le Journaliste
as Le Viticulteur Farceur
as Hervé
as Le Viticulteur au Comptoir
as Le Professeur de Danse
as La Jeune Femme de la Fête
as Le Vendeur de Sapins
as Carole (as Marie-Anne Guérin)
as La Grand-Mère
as Fille d'Hervé
as Fille d'Hervé
as Footballeur
as Footballeur
as Le Sosie de Mélodie
as Le Supporter
as Vigile Stade
as Vigile Stade
as Le Prof de Ping-Pong
as Le Gendarme aux Menottes
as La Gendarme Arrestation (as Nathalie Japiot-Poutaud)
as Le Gendarme du Couloir
as Le Capitaine de Gendarmerie