The film is set in the era of Peter I The Great, on the Russian North. The plot revolves around the fate of three people: Captain-Commander Sylvester Ievlev, customs army lieutenant Athanasius Krykov vaster and-White Sea Ivan Ryabov. Ivan Ryabov - a real historical character. In 1701, during the defense of Arkhangelsk from the Swedish military squadron of Charles XII, accomplished the feat as a vaster under the guise of traitors planted swedish flagship aground under fire from shore batteries.
as Ivan Ryabov
as Афанасий Петрович Крыков
as Пётр Первый
as шкипер Уркварт
as Ларс Дес-Фонтейнес
as Молчан
as Таисья Рябова
as Сильвестр Петрович Иевлев
as князь Прозоровский
as адмирал Патрик Гордон
as архиепископ Афанасий
as Лонгинов
as Ярл Юленшерна
as Лекарь Лофтус
as Егорша Пустовойтов
as Efim Gridnev