Interviews and archival footage profile the life of Dennis Banks, American Indian Movement leader who looks back at his early life and the rise of the Movement.
as Himself - Co-Founder, American Indian Movement; Ojibwa
as Herself - Professor, American Indian Studies, University of Minnesota; Ojibwa
as Himself - Filmmaker; Creek - Seminole
as Himself - Dakota
as Himself - Co-Founder, AIM; Ojibwa
as Herself - Director, American Indian Center, Minneapolis; Ojibwa
as Himself - AIM Member; Seneca
as Himself - Co-Founder, Diversity Foundation
as Himself - Co-Founder, AIM; Ojibwa
as Himself - Founder, United Native Americans; Lakota - Creek
as Himself - Traditional Leader and Educator; Lakota
as Himself - Comedian; Oneida
as Himself - Actor; Cherokee
as Himself - Defense Attorney, Wounded Knee Trial
as Himself - Videographer
as Herself - Former wife of US Senator Fred Harris; Comanche
as Herself - C.O.O., Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation; Otoe - Missouria
as Herself - Defense Investigator, Wounded Knee Trial
as Herself - AIM Member; Cherokee
as Himself - Tribal Chairman, Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation
as Himself - US Marshal, South Dakota
as Herself - Former employee, Bureau of Indian Affairs; Dakota
as Himself - Judge, Custer Trial, Custer, SD
as Herself - Dennis Banks' daughter; Lakota - Ojibwa
as Herself - Wounded Knee Museum; Lakota
as Herself - Great granddaughter of Sitting Bull; Lakota
as Himself - Vietnam Veteran; Dakota
as Himself - Vietnam Veteran, Tribal Councilman; Navajo
as Himself - 7th Generation Hereditary Chief; Dakota
as Himself - AIM Member; Navajo
as Himself - Sheriff, Custer County, SD
as Himself - Attorney General, California / Former California Governor