The film features the remnant Ayakashi who seek to revive Dokoku Chimatsuri, but instead revive the Goseigers' nemesis Buredoran of the Comet as the Gedoushu Buredoran Chimatsuri. To make matters worse, Takeru Shiba has been brainwashed into serving Buredoran as Gedou Shinken Red.
as Alata / Gosei Red
as Eri / Gosei Pink
as Agri / Gosei Black
as Moune / Gosei Yellow
as Hyde / Gosei Blue
as Gosei Knight (voice)
as Takeru Shiba / Shinken Red
as Ryûnosuke Ikenami / Shinken Blue
as Mako Shiraishi / Shinken Pink
as Chiaki Tani / Shinken Green
as Kotoha Hanaori / Shinken Yellow
as Genta Umemori / Shinken Gold
as Kaoru Shiba / Gedou Shinken Red
as Gokai Red (voice)
as Gokai Blue (voice)
as Gokai Yellow (voice)
as Gokai Green (voice)
as Gokai Pink (voice)
as Nozomu Amachi
as Professor Shuchirou Amachi
as Datas (voice)
as Hikoma Kusakabe
as Kaoru Shiba
as Secret Lantern Daigoyou (voice)
as Buredoran of the Chimatsuri (Voice)
as Shitari of the Bomes (voice)
as Madakodama (voice)
as Tensouder (voice)