English-language version. "Atlantic" is a drama film based on the sinking of the RMS "Titanic" and set aboard a fictional ship, called the "Atlantic". The main plotline revolves around a man who has a shipboard affair with a fellow passenger, which is eventually discovered by his wife. The ship also has aboard an elderly couple, the Rools, who are on their anniversary cruise. Midway across the Atlantic Ocean, the "Atlantic" strikes an iceberg and is damaged to the point where it is sinking into the Atlantic.
as John Rool
as Monica
as Lawrence
as Alice Rool
as Dandy
as Pointer
as Lanchester
as Maj Boldy
as Clara Tate-Hughes
as Freddie Tate-Hughes
as Betty Tate-Hughes
as Padre
as Capt. Collins
as Telegraphist
as Steward
as Card-Playing Passenger
as Passenger