The story of a school festival that is being jointly organized by Tadakuni, Yoshitake, and Hidenori's all-boys school and an adjacent all-girls school. At an all boys high school, Tadakuni (Masaki Suda), Yoshitake (Shuhei Nomura) and Hidenori (Ryo Yoshizawa) are close friends and think usually all day about girls. Their high school then co-hosts a school festival with an all girls high school.
as Tadakuni
as Yoshitake
as Hidenori
as Ringo-chan
as Yanagin
as Ikushima
as Karasawa
as girl of literary interests
as Tadakuni's younger sister
as woman of convenience store
as woman's lover
as Hosono
as vice-president
as Mitsuo-kun
as Teacher Muramatsu