Aging screenwriter Felix Bonhoeffer has lived his life in two states of existence: in reality and his own interior world. While working on a murder mystery script, and unaware that his brain is on the verge of implosion, Felix is baffled when his characters start to appear in his life, and vice versa.
as Felix Bonhoeffer
as Gina
as Lily
as Shelly's Sister
as Mort / Phil Henderson / Patrolman
as Bonnie
as Harvey Brickman
as Ray / Matt Dobbs / Patrolman #2
as Barbara
as Geek / Jeffrey / Dr. Geekman
as Bette Lustig
as Big Mikey
as Lars
as Tracy / Nurse
as Gavin / Ambulance Driver
as Chauffeur / Aaron
as Marcia
as Mel
as Adolf Hitler (archive footage)