Etsuko - a typical Japanese high school student, who's unlucky in love, an academic failure, and plain bored with life. That's until one day, the view of a boat gliding gracefully in the sea inspires her to take up the oar. Since she's rejected by her school's all-male rowing team, she decides to form her own all-women team. Nothing will ever be the same again.
as Etsuko Shinomura
as Atsuko Nakazaki
as Rie Yano
as Taeko Kikuchi
as Mayumi Nakaura
as Dai Sekino
as Akiko Irie
as Kensaku Shinomura
as Satoko Shinomura
as Sumiko Shinomura
as Fuki Shinomura
as Shunji Yasuda
as Koike
as Principal
as Ferry Boat Captain
as Station Staff
as Mariko Onishi
as Kumada
as Doctor
as Board of Education Staff
as Class Teacher
as Class Teacher