This story follows a boy named Quon and his friends, who are "Attractors". Attractors are human beings who have awakened and have supernatural powers. Quon is determined to save them all. But a secret organization is hunting them...
as Quon Mitsuchi (voice)
as Tei Ryumonji (voice)
as Yuriko Akatsuki (voice)
as Alpha (voice)
as Takao (voice)
as Ryou (voice)
as Technology Chief (voice)
as Gamma (voice)
as Genji Kamishiro (voice)
as Wakatsuki (voice)
as Hizuru Asuka (voice)
as Kiri Jougasaki (voice)
as Cyborg Epsilon (voice)
as Miu (voice)
as Yuma (voice)
as Beta (voice)