Adapted from a popular 'three dime novel' the story revolves around two down-and-out buddies, one streetwise and quick-witted the other naïve and kind-hearted. This oddball duo go through up and downs and eventually get their break in life.
as Chow Yat-Ching 周日清
as Ng Jui-Choi 吴聚财
as Tang Sau-Ying 邓秀莹
as Tsui Lam 徐琳
as Tam Fung 谭枫
as Tam Fung's wife 谭枫妻
as Ho Kin 贺健
as Mr. Yau (Landlord) 包租公
as Mrs. Yau (Landlord's wife) 包租婆
as Tang Sau Ying's Boss 大肥佬
as Waiter 侍仔
as Manager 经纪
as Manager 经纪
as Peter Lo 卢彼得
as Drugstore Owner
as Master 师爷
as Ah Mak 肥仔麦
as Pharmacy Clerk