Bernard Fine's career leaves little time for romance, so fate takes over. When Bernie befriends a little girl, he meets - and falls for - her single mother, Liz. They soon marry and add a son to their new family. But the happiness is short-lived as Liz is fatally stricken by cancer. Added to the heartbreak is a threat from the past that could tear the family apart. For Bernie, it's a struggle to hold on to and savor the truly fine things in life.
as Bernie Fine
as Ruth Fine
as Molly
as Bergosian
as Gertie
as Jane
as Liz O'Reilly
as Grossman
as Chandler Scott
as Paul Berman
as Tracey
as Mrs. Pippin
as Winters
as Bernice
as Teddy
as Freddy
as Rita
as Doreen
as Oncologist
as U.S. Marshal
as Bernard's Secretary
as Rabbi