"The Dancing Girl of Izu" tells of the story between a young male student who is touring the Izu Peninsula and a family of traveling dancers he meets there, including their youngest girl. The student finds the naïve girl attractive even though he eventually has to part with the family after spending memorable time together.
as Kaoru, a dancer
as Mizuhara, a student
as Eikichi, brother of Kaoru
as Chiyoko, the wife
as Hattori
as Geisha
as Otatsu, the mother
as Yuriko, an emplyee
as Zenbei, master of 'Yukawarô'
as Ryûichi, the son
as Kubota, an engineer
as Tamura, a policeman
as Monk
as Geisha
as Customer at the spa
as Kisaku
as Barber proprietor
as Blue-collar
as Blue-collar
as Man
as Village man
as Village man
as Inn maid
as Inn maid
as Woman at the harbour