Moments from death a young man is rescued by a renowned warrior. Realizing unsurpassed physical potential in the young boy he trains him into the most dangerous man alive. As he becomes a young man he goes on a lone mission of vengeance against the vicious slave traders who enslaved him as a youth and the treacherous warlord who killed his father.
as Tien
as Ratchasena
as Chernang
as Master Bua
as Pim
as Mein
as Nobleman Srihadaecho
as Pried
as Master Armer
as Young Tien
as Young Pim
as Sri
as Krai
as Shaman
as Ninja Fighter
as Chinese Master
as Muay Thai Master
as Bomb Master
as Japanese Master
as Chinese Trader
as Tiger Style Assassin
as Crow Ghost (uncredited)