Josh Townsend finds himself living in New Mexico after his father's new job requires the family to move from their home in Utah. While acclimating to his new surroundings, Josh becomes involved with a group of teens attempting to preserve the buffalo and Navajo traditions. Along the way he makes friends and learns important lessons about life in this Disney Channel Original movie.
as Josh Townsend
as Thomas Blackhorse
as Dr. Nick Townsend
as Blaine Townsend
as John Blackhorse
as Scout Blackhorse
as Abuela Rose
as Kyle
as Domino
as Moon
as J.G.
as Wylie
as Jean
as Virgil
as Ancient Woman
as Bicyclist #2
as Tribesman
as Doctor
as Navajo Girl
as Bicyclist #1 (as Rebecca R. Larsen)