In this affecting urban drama, down-and-out single dad Derek finds himself torn between his son's mother, Tasha, and former high school classmate Amour. Life spins out of control for Derek after he loses his job, but everything changes when he bumps into pretty Amour -- and ends up in love. Will the secret that she's harboring destroy their relationship and send Derek back to Tasha?
as Derek
as Amour
as Justin
as Tasha
as Reggie
as Malik
as Runnup
as Lamar
as Veronica
as Steve
as Amour's Mother
as Nia
as Dominique
as Stephanie/Gwen
as Lucinda
as Silence
as Shawn
as Freedom
as Danny
as Boss
as Himself
as Drew
as Tamika
as Doctor
as Bouncer
as Club Girl
as Medical Receptionist
as Radio V.O.
as Cab Driver
as Nurse
as Consoling Friend
as Additional V.O.