The story of Little Peter and his sister Anneli, who help a May beetle named Mr. Zoomzeman (German: Herr Summsemann) to retrieve his missing sixth leg from the Moon. After a fantastic and dangerous overnight adventure they recover the leg and are returned to their beds at home.
as Peter
as Anneliese
as Nachtfee
as Sandmännchen
as Sonne
as Pfefferkuchenmann
as Peterchens Mutter
as Maikäfer Sumsemann
as Minna
as Mann im Mond
as Milchstraßenmann
as Donnermann
as Blitzhexe
as Sturmriese
as Windliese
as Frau Holle
as Regenfritz
as Wassermann
as Eismax
as Weihnachtsmann
as Erzählerin