This is the story of the politician named Zübük. He gets expelled from the political party that he is a member of, due to corruption. The journalist Yaşar wants to make a news story about his case and investigates Zübük's doings. Yaşar gets baffled at the sly tricks Zübük played on his village people. In the end, he feels sorry about Zübük's present situation, however, as things happen he becomes aware that Zübük has been tricking him.
as İbrahim Zübükzade
as Yektane
as Yaşar
as İri Nuri
as Kadir Ağa
as Motelci Satılmış
as Alucan'lı Sabri Ağa
as Parti Yöneticisi
as Demirci Nuri
as Huzur Partisi Milletvekili
as Avukat Burhan
as Mehmet Çavuş
as Bedir Hoca
as Emniyet Müdürü
as Meclis Başkanı
as Vali Vahit Atılgan
as Destek Partisi Mensubu
as Terzi Cemal
as Gazete Yazı İşleri Müdürü
as Belediye Reisi
as Gedikli İhsan
as Polis
as Hamamdaki Kadın
as Vatandaş
as Otobüsteki Adam
as Bakanlık Bürokratı
as Vatandaş
as Devlet Memuru
as Ahmet Bey
as J. Yüzbaşı Ethem Gevrekoğlu
as Fotoğrafçı
as Gazeteci
as Sekreter
as Garson
as Terzi Cemal'in Karısı
as Destek Partisi Mensubu