Erebus centers around the Gorham House, a mysterious old hotel with a torrid history of violent occult activity, as well as supernatural, and paranormal. Seeking to document the hotel for a new book, Samantha and Benny, journey to investigate the hotel, learning of its terrifying history along the way by relaying three horrifying tales of its previous owners.
as Jonah Crane
as Robert Neville
as Samantha
as Frank Martin
as Cat
as Kyle
as Courtney
as Lauren
as Jeff
as Tony
as Sheriff Grahame
as Amy Donnelly
as Benny
as Michael
as Chief Mark Thompson
as Bill
as Mike the Cabby
as Walter
as Greg Douglas
as Clark Peter
as Officer Neely
as Officer Oates
as Jen Peter
as Barry Davis
as Lady in White / Hotel Phantom
as The Killer
as Pilot
as Wendy
as Boy Ghost
as Victorian Girl Ghost
as Sailor Ghost
as Lady Ghost
as Dr. Ramone Santiago
as Wife Spirit
as Husband Spirit
as Young Lady Ghost