In this revisionist drama, the film delves into the family lineage of Wyatt Williams, the character made famous by Peter Fonda in the original Easy Rider Movie. Centering around the Williams family, and their internal family struggles throughout the eras of the 40's to present day, as they struggle to connect with one another through the only way they know how. Their love of motorcycles and the freedom of the ride.
as Morgan
as Shane
as Wes Coast
as Anne
as Young Wild Bill
as Old Wild Bill
as Vanessa
as Virgil
as Andrew Jackson Bennett
as Ward
as Winston
as Racing Fan
as MLB Scout
as Emil
as Letch (voice)
as Saloon Drunkard
as Wounded Soldier
as Young Virgil Williams
as Veteran
as Luke Hull
as Vietnam Veteran
as Bartender
as Cody
as Eddy
as Little Shane
as Young Shane Williams
as Jimmy Connor
as Young Morgan Williams
as Drug Lord
as Biker Bar Thug
as Sergeant Gerald Rogers
as Young Wes Coast
as Young Andrew Jackson Bennett
as Sgt. Dawkins
as Captain
as Iraq War Captain
as Unknown Rider
as Sgt. Benson
as Main Bar Dancer
as Letch
as Mrs. Mountaque
as Vietnam Soldier
as Bodyguard
as Drug Lord Girlfriend
as Baseball Scout
as Blonde on Harley
as Young Wyatt Williams
as Biker Bar Thug #2
as Captain Mackey
as Saloon Drunkard
as Mattie Connor