A wealthy executive, Drew Latham (Ben Affleck) has no close relationships and becomes nostalgic for his childhood home as Christmas approaches. When he visits the house and finds another family living there, he offers the residents, Tom Valco (James Gandolfini) and his wife, Christine (Catherine O'Hara), a large sum of money to pretend they are his parents. Soon Drew tests the couple's patience, and, when their daughter, Alicia (Christina Applegate), arrives, things get increasingly tense.
as Drew Latham
as Tom Valco
as Alicia Valco
as Christine Valco
as Brian Valco
as Doo-Dah
as Missy Vanglider
as Heinrich
as Horace Vanglider
as Letitia Vanglider
as Dr. Freeman
as Doo-Dah Understudy
as Kathryn
as Cabbie
as Suit
as Levine the Lawyer
as Santa
as Santa's Photographer
as Five Year Old
as Little Girl
as Older Brother
as Freeman Twin
as Freeman Twin
as Marley
as Christmas Past
as Christmas Present
as Fanny
as Young Scrooge
as Chad
as Security Lady
as Security Man
as Deli Man
as Customer
as Cute Girl at Play
as Man Wrapping Gift
as Lonely Lady
as Depressed Donator
as Choir Director
as Choir
as Choir
as Choir
as Choir
as Choir
as Choir
as Choir
as Choir
as Choir
as Elf
as Elf
as Elf