Following the unexplained suicide of his wife Liza, website designer Wilson Joel turns to huffing gasoline fumes and remote control gaming while avoiding an inevitable conflict with his mother-in-law.
as Wilson Joel
as Denny
as Maura
as Tom Bailey
as Brenda
as Angela Ryan from Bailey Federated
as Jim
as Huffer Boy
as Huffer Girl
as Patriot Model Aeronautics Clerk
as Gas Station
as Trucker
as Mary Ann Bankhead
as Bern
as Pad
as Waiter with Drink
as Bland Man
as Bland Woman
as Lynne
as Hobbytown USA Clerk
as Zoo
as Cashier at Pancake House
as Grandma Clerk
as Officer Escort
as Pickup Truck Driver
as Breakfast Woman
as Good Morning Man
as High School Principal #1
as High School Principal #2
as Girl on Front Porch
as Jenn
as Stacy
as Liza