Set at the end of the 1960s, as Swaziland is about to receive independence from United Kingdom, the film follows the young Ralph Compton, at 12, through his parents' traumatic separation, till he's 14.
as Ralph Compton - 14 years
as Harry Compton
as Ruby Compton
as Gwen Traherne
as Lauren Compton
as Lady Riva Hardwick
as Ralph Compton - 11 years
as Charles Bingham
as June Broughton
as Dr. Zim Mzimba
as Vernon
as Sir Giffard Hardwick
as Dozen
as Regina
as Tobias
as Taj
as John Traherne
as Monica
as Father Ndlovu
as Mr. Parker
as Mrs. Malaga
as Bunny
as Boy in Crowd