An eccentric Parisian woman's optimistic perception of life begins to sound more rational than the traditional beliefs of others. The story is set in a 20th-century society endangered by power and greed and imagines the rebellion of the "little people" against corrupt and soulless authority.
as Contessa Aurelia
as The Broker
as Dr. Jadin
as Josephine
as The Reverend
as The General
as The Commissar
as The Chairman
as The Reverend
as The Prospector
as The Peddler
as The Ragpicker
as Gabrielle
as Constance, the Madwoman of Passy
as Irma
as Waiter
as Deaf mute
as Juggler
as Flower girl
as Poule
as Poule
as Newsgirl
as Police sergeant
as Policeman
as Communist secretary