The story begins with a group of friends: Sridhar, Chandana, Nandini , Mahesh, Bhakti, Jessica, Kishore, Scud. Each of them have their own stories and in between that is the unexpressed love track of Sri and Chandana, Bhakti and Mahesh, Nandini is in love with Kishore. They all finish their college exams and are all set to take on the life with full energy, but then life has its own twists and turns for them and this in turn gives them an experience which is unforgettable and memorable.
as Sridhar "Sri"
as Chandana
as Nandini "Andaalu"
as Kishore
as Scud
as Mahesh
as Jessica
as Bhakti
as Arjun
as Vishali
as Hasini
as Alagappan
as Sri's Father
as Sri's Mother
as Chandana's Mother
as Chandana's Father
as Arjun's Mother
as Nandini's Sister
as Nandini's Brother
as Seenu
as Arpita
as Police Officer
as Taxi Driver
as Sweety
as Nag
as Special Appearance