This sequel to "The Bastard" continues the saga of Philip Kent, the illegitimate son of an English nobleman, who has renounced his patrician birthright to become a Colonial soldier fighting for America's independence, befriending a Southern aristocrat and his earthy buddy to help thwart a plot to assassinate George Washington. (Episodes 3 and 4 of the Kent Chronicles miniseries.)
as Philip Kent
as Judson Fletcher
as Eph Tait
as John Hancock
as Duke of Kentland
as Mrs. Brumple
as Benjamin Franklin
as Dr. Church
as Anne Kent
as Breen
as Henry Knox
as John Adams
as Mrs. Harris
as George Washington
as Charlotte Waverly
as Peggy McLean
as Gen. Howe
as Baron Von Steuben
as John Waverly
as Ambrose Waverly
as Thomas Jefferson
as Sam Gill
as Angus Fletcher
as Rachel
as Seth McLean
as Royal Rothman
as Donnigan
as Officer
as Molly
as Peter Jennings
as Smith
as Tom Shaw
as Sergeant
as Lt. Rorke
as 2nd Congressman
as 1st Congressman
as Doctor
as Young Marquis de Lafayette
as Masters
as Alice
as The Marquis de LaFayette
as Barmaid
as Trumbold
as Guard
as Stable Boy
as Civilian
as Lt. Mayo