This anthology intricately interlaces four compelling tales, each orbiting individuals who unravel hidden, lost, or long-guarded secrets. Brace yourself for an exhilarating odyssey of discovery and suspense as "Unearthed" plunges deep beneath the surface to unveil mysteries concealed for far too long.
as Missing Person 3
as Tammy
as Photo of Hiker
as Terri
as Lucinda
as Halsey
as Prison Guard
as Katie
as Doom
as James
as Todd
as News Reporter
as Ben
as Officer Fox
as Missing Person 2
as Ricardo Da Silva
as Emily
as Detective Grier
as News Reporter 2
as Officer Scompies
as Road Reaper (voice)
as Jennifer
as Irate Caller
as Bill (voice)
as Suzie
as Officer Reeves
as Judy
as Missing Person
as Detective DePalma
as Police Dispatcher
as Frank Fentimen
as Detective Tavish
as Officer Swayze
as Detective Lev Athan