Razzle Dazzle follows the eager members of "Mr. Jonathon's Dance Academy" who, with their unique dance routines, compete for Grand Final success at Australia's most prestigious competition. Amidst parental politics, petty rivalry, creative controversy and the hysterics of pushy stage mothers, the film takes you behind the glamor and the glitter to a world where, sometimes, winning is everything!
as Mr. Johnathon
as Justine
as Tenille Morgan
as Barbara
as Vanessa Deruvo
as Millie Simpson
as Katie Jasper
as Leanne Finlay
as Madison Thompson
as Lorraine Horn
as Emma Irwin
as Courtney Matterson
as Olivia Ashton
as Danielle Clark
as Jenny
as Grace Gibson
as Pip
as Kaye
as Bob
as Marianne
as Miss Elizabeth
as Miss Elizabeth's Dance Troupe
as Miss Elizabeth's Dance Troupe
as Miss Elizabeth's Dance Troupe
as Miss Elizabeth's Dance Troupe
as Arthur Rudd
as Frank
as Paulette
as Sherry Leonard
as Patrick
as Neil
as Nerida
as Meredith
as Tamara
as Hot Shoe Mother
as Vomit Child
as Vomit Child's Mother
as Vomit Child's Father
as Plastic Surgeon
as Self
as Trevor Morgan
as Miss Jodi
as Self
as Self - Interviewer
as Harridan Woman (uncredited)