David Michaels, a troubled New York poet finds inspiration and heartbreak in the enigmatic, institutionalized Poet Regina Romanescu. As their bond deepens, David must confront the darkness of Regina's past and oppressive forces that seem to keep them apart. Will their light shine bright enough to overcome the shadows or will it become a tragic victim of its own beauty set against the timeless backdrop of Paris?
as Regina
as David
as Lexus
as Victoria
as Lilly
as Mikey
as Antoine
as Adam
as Dr. Vlad
as Mama
as Windsor
as Claude
as Pretty Park Lady
as French Patient
as Jim Becker
as Detective Silva
as Kylie
as Nurse Mental Ward
as Park Beggar
as Dr. Zorenescu
as Blue Devil
as Mental Patient
as Papa
as Gypsy
as Female Homeless