This sequel to the popular British comedy sees a new teacher (David Tennant) take over. When he enters his school in the National 'Song for Christmas' Competition, he and his pregnant wife, and the schoolchildren, embark on an epic road trip that ends up with a birth and a donkey, where he must embrace his fears and become a hero.
as Donald / Roderick Peterson
as Mr. Poppy
as Mrs. Bevan
as Angel Matthews
as Mrs. Sarah Peterson
as Gordon Shakespeare
as Mr. Peterson's Dad
as Bob
as Oli
as Miss Rye
as Pixie
as Supply Teacher 1
as Supply Teacher 2
as Supply Teacher 3
as Mr. Shakespeare's Class
as Mr. Shakespeare's Class
as Mr. Shakespeare's Class
as Judge
as Judge
as Judge
as Judge
as Mr. Shakespeare's Class
as Snow Angels Lead Singer
as Snow Angel
as Snow Angel
as Christmas Puddings Lead Singer
as Christmas Puddings Lead Singer
as Christmas Pudding
as Christmas Pudding
as Christmas Pudding
as Christmas Pudding
as Christmas Pudding
as Christmas Pudding
as Christmas Pudding
as Lucy
as Dan
as Beth
as Jade
as Jesse
as Edward
as Joseph
as Bill
as Tommy
as Little Lucy
as Sam
as Mason
as Mason
as William
as Neve
as Charlotte
as Fraser
as Sadie