The life of foreman Ivan Plotnikov has been going downhill for a long time because of his invincible habit of enduring everything. But, by chance finding himself at the Russian bathhouse championship, he learns that this is not a curse at all, but a great talent. Now he will have to fully develop his ability to endure in order to finally believe in himself, regain the respect of his loved ones and compete for the solid cash prize that he so desperately needs.
as Plotnikov
as Igor Victorovich
as Vera
as Sheglov
as Lesha Plotnikov
as Starshiy po bane
as Natasha
as Valera
as Sosed
as Ilia Ilich
as Vnuk Ili Ilicha
as Danko
as Otets Danko
as Buryat
as Trener Buryata
as Iskander
as Batyr
as Akhmed
as Trener Akhmeda
as Sibiryak
as Zhena Sibiryaka
as Moskvich
as Trener Moskvicha
as Anvar
as Trener Tatarina
as Kommentator
as Vedushchiy
as Administrator chempionata
as Babushka
as Babushka
as Babushka
as Uchastniki
as Uchastniki
as Uchastniki
as Nachalnik Plotnikova v reklame
as Zhena Plotnikova v reklame
as Doch Plotnikova v reklame