"Swimwear Illustrated" is approaching its fifteenth anniversary issue. From a group of eager and beautiful young women, five are chosen for a photo shoot on an island off the California coast. One of the five will be the cover girl, and she'll get an extra $100,000. On the island, the group stays at an isolated inn, staffed by the odd Frab. There's him, the five models, and four magazine staff: photographer, make-up man, ambitious assistant Anesa, and Jack Denton, the playboy in charge of production. One by one, models and staff disappear.
as Annie
as Ursula
as Jack Denton
as Brian Michael
as Anesa Cronin
as Kari
as Nikki
as Tasha
as Desk Boy
as Auditioning Girl
as Auditioning Girl
as Tasha's Boyfriend