Grand Canyon revolved around six residents from different backgrounds whose lives intertwine in modern-day Los Angeles. At the center of the film is the unlikely friendship of two men from different races and classes brought together when one finds himself in jeopardy in the other's rough neighborhood.
as Simon
as Mack
as Davis
as Claire
as Dee
as Jane
as Roberto
as Deborah
as Otis
as Vanessa
as The Alley Baron
as Kelley
as Claire's Baby
as Claire's Baby
as Rocstar
as Wipe
as Jimmy
as Rotor
as Eddie
as Ace Cop
as Deuce Cop
as Myers
as Morning Nurse
as Insurance Salesman
as Cathy Fox
as Steve Fox
as Amanda
as Woman In Baseball Cap
as Bus Driver
as Skin
as Scar
as Studio Girl
as Ms. Green
as Watch Robber
as Jackson
as Mrs. Mencken
as Mr. Mencken
as Window Breaking Thug
as Myers' Partner
as Simon's Friend
as Carlos
as Carlos' Friend #1
as Carlos' Friend #2
as Davis' Assistant
as Davis' Assistant
as Woman in Car
as Woman's Driver
as Forum Twin #1
as Forum Twin #2