Harvey Rockwood, a world-renowned botanist, comes across bad weather and finds himself enveloped by a dense fog. Under the blanket of the mist, he hears the sound of the wind, the calls of wild birds, and then a mysterious singing voice in a garden where he meets Elu, the Spirit of the Blue Rose. Elu informs Harvey that they shall meet once again in the mist...
as Elu de la Rose
as Charlotte Wheeldon
as Harvey Rockwood
as Dignitas
as Mary Anne
as Oswald Vickers
as Mr. Dickens
as Clarus
as Teacher
as David Brown
as Mysterious Old Lady
as Oliver
as Lover
as Gilbert Carlyle
as Nick Rockwood
as Evelyne
as Mysterious Lady
as Kevin Griffith
as Aura
as Bonus
as Lady Florence Wheeldon
as Nelly Griffith
as Viscount Edmond Wheeldon
as Farmer's Wife
as Ben
as Virtus
as Farmer
as Stable Hand
as Old Woman
as Matthew
as Laetus
as Pulche
as Robin
as Spirit of the White Rose
as Poeta
as Mike
as Gratus
as Bryan
as Illusion Charlotte (Age 9)
as Katie
as Illusion Charlotte (Age 11)
as Spirit Dancer
as Spirit Dancer
as Spirit Dancer
as Spirit Dancer
as Spirit Dancer
as Spirit Dancer
as Spirit Dancer
as Spirit Dancer
as Spirit Dancer
as Spirit Dancer