Elias of the 16th Precinct follows three friends – Elias, Thomas and Vangelis – who face considerable financial hurdles with their debts rivalling the size of Everest. They decide the only solution is to snatch money from Vangelis’ boss, Labros ; a cafeteria owner, pawnbroker and fence. While Thomas will attempt the breaking and entering, Elias will be disguised as a police officer – for security reasons, of course. Hilarity ensues as this comedy of errors sends their plan spiralling off in a totally different direction.
as Elias
as Vangelis
as Thomas
as Aleka Konstadinidi
as Orestis Konstadinidis
as Lampros
as Police Commander Efstathios Sotiriou
as Tasia
as Panagiotis Berberis
as Loukia
as Chief Guard
as Xenia
as Policeman
as Backgammon Player
as Manos
as πλοίαρχος
as ιερέας
as γιατρός
as εργάτης
as Pavlos